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How do AI-generated apps compare to apps made by humans?

An AI mad scientist programmer writing an app

You can’t escape Artificial Intelligence at the minute. Whether it's ChatGPT吟游诗人 for writing or 星光熠熠的人工智能Picsart for image creation (both available on mobile 和 tablet), everyone’s talking about AI in some way shape or form. It probably won't come as a surprise, 然后, 了解到人工智能也将其虚拟帽子扔进了移动应用程序开发圈. 

但是 可能 令您惊讶的是,它已经被广泛应用于各种应用程序中, including healthcare, 金融, 零售, 和 transportation. 很有可能你已经在手机应用中与AI进行了互动,但却没有意识到这一点. Ever spoken with a chatbot? Been given a shopping recommendation? 必须点击包含交通灯的方块来证明(讽刺的是)你不是一个机器人? That’s AI hard at work right there. 

Is AI app development here to stay?

一些最流行的人工智能应用程序开发工具包括Google Cloud AutoML, Amazon SageMaker, IBM华生, 和 Microsoft Azure Machine Learning. 即使是不熟悉应用程序开发的人也会认出这些大型科技公司, 如果他们投入了大量资源,那肯定是件大事……所以Foresight Mobile的每个人很快都会失业.


Well, let’s find out… 

What does an AI app development tool actually do?

Appy Pie和Shuttle等AI工具只需要你输入一些全球最大的博彩平台你想要应用做什么的基本细节,它就会为你编写代码,准备好在Android上发布, iOS or both. Once the code is written it’ll need your input to customise 和 br和 it, but the time-consuming bit (the coding) is out of the way. 

现在,在你想用你喝醉时想到的应用程序的想法征服世界之前, hold fast for a minute because there’s a bit more to it than that…

5 pros of using an AI development tool

  • 速度 - AI tools can automate many of the tasks involved in website development, such as code generation, 测试, 和 deployment, saving time 和 money
  • 精度 -它们可以分析大量数据,以识别人类难以发现的模式和趋势, potentially leading to more accurate website designs 和 features
  • Personalised - They can personalise websites to the individual user, providing them with a more relevant 和 engaging experience
  • 安全 —用于快速检测和防范恶意软件、网络钓鱼等安全威胁
  • 可伸缩的 - AI tools can be scaled to h和le large amounts of traffic, making them ideal for websites that are expected to grow in popularity

5 cons of using AI to develop your mobile app

  • 成本 - The tools can be expensive to develop 和 deploy
  • 复杂性 - They can be incredibly complex 和 difficult to underst和, 这使得在人工智能基础上构建的应用程序的调试和故障排除变得非常困难
  • 偏见 -人工智能工具可能存在偏见,这可能导致应用程序对所有用户不公平或不公平
  • 安全 -它们可能被黑客攻击,这可能导致数据和用户隐私的泄露
  • Lack of creativity - While they may be good at automating tasks, they’ll never be as creative as humans when it comes to designing apps

And what about us mere mortals? How do we stack up against AI-generated apps?

5 pros of using a human to develop your app

  • 创造力 -人类天生具有创造力,这总是导致更多的创新和吸引人的应用程序
  • Problem-solving -我们擅长解决问题,这是开发复杂应用程序的重要组成部分. Humans 1, AI nil
  • 同理心 -我们可以理解和同情用户,这可以导致更多的用户友好的应用程序
  • Communication -协作和团队合作将把你的应用带到下一个层次-人工智能无法做到这一点,而且更差
  • Adaptability -我们有很强的适应能力,这意味着我们可以比人工智能更好地应对意外挑战

5 cons of using a human to develop your app

  • Error-prone -我们不时地搞砸,这可能会导致应用程序中的漏洞和错误. Hey, we’re only human…
  • Time-consuming -与人工智能相比,人类的开发可能会耗费时间,这可能会导致应用程序发布的延迟.
  • 技能 -我们可能不具备特定构建所需的技能或经验
  • Keeping up with the Joneses -试图跟上技术变革的快速步伐可能很困难, which could make our knowledge base obsolete quickly
  • Unpredictability -如果我们的个人生活中发生了一些事情,它会影响我们的工作, which can lead to unexpected challenges 和 delays

Which is better? An AI-designed app or a human-designed app?

We 可能 be accused of speciesism here, 但我们坚信,人工智能带来的好处远远超过人类的接触. 是的, 我们编写应用程序的速度可能会慢一些,我们可能会偶尔在这里和那里掉一些小漏洞, 但看看这些事情发生的可能性微乎其微,你得到了什么回报;

  • A personal service 
  • Years of experience 
  • True collaboration
  • 创造力
  • The ability to think outside the box 
  • Previous success stories

And - most importantly of all - a real desire to make the app the best it can possibly be.  

If you want your mobile app to be developed, 维护, 和 supported by an honest-to-goodness, sometimes flawed but incredible team of humans 然后 get in touch

Foresight Mobile 你是否愿意一步一步地完成这个过程,并向你展示一些我们可以将人工智能集成到你的应用程序中的创造性方法. 我们可以用人工智能来增加智能、创造力,并以许多新颖的方式改善用户体验.

如果你想调查的可能性,人工智能在您的移动应用程序项目请 get in touch.

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